Tour in Tambun
Posted by Nicholas | | Posted on 11:40 PM
Went to Tambun with my lovely M45 classmates on Monday. The first ever outgoing to so far with them. This outing is because of our beloved YH back from KL and due to everyone did not see her for quite a long time. This plan has been planned for one whole week. The island people went to BW through ferry at around 5.30pm+ and the actual plan is reach at 4.30pm. Sorry for KimSheng have been waited for so long. Alright stop the craps and look through the photos for the story.
First time sit KimSheng's car and this shot was from Ping's car =/
After that went to Sunway Carnival to lepak due to over sianness and the time was too early. Then everyone was hungry and thirsty. We directly headed to Tambun for our dinner. This trip was leaded by Ping =). Okay stop the crap again and go through the foods' photos =D
The Taufus
The Kang Kungs
The Prawns
The 刺縲
The Crabs
The Lalas
The Sotongs
After send Yangsim back, we also went in to car and make our next move. At last, the sudden plan where Ping leaded wrong way back home and crushed into Nibong Tebal. So we 将错就错, went to find our Mr Jing as he stays at there and he not manage to attend this dinner due to certain reasons.
Another group photos took in Jing's house
Then went back Island through jetty again and reach home at 12something. So the plan is quite successful la hor?
Photos credited by Ping
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